What you need to know
Australia has one of the leading aged care systems in the world. Everyone receives equal, high quality care – in our homes and in aged care homes (nursing homes).
But with the ageing population the cost is ballooning.
Government, aged care providors and the workforce are under extreme pressure.
Getting ready for the Baby Boomers has required the Government to radically change the aged care system, starting in 2014.
This means we have to start paying for aged care.
Australia is a leader in aged care but the system has changed. We now have to contribute to the cost if we have the wealth.
In this section you will learn:
- The six things you must understand to get Government funded aged care
- Why the aged care system is changing
- How it is changing
- The new types of aged care support and services
- An idea of how long organising care now takes
- An idea of the costs of aged care homes (nursing homes)
We recommend you read this section so you understand WHY and HOW the system has changed, but you can jump around the site as well and come back later if you choose. Journey well.