Before you can move into an aged care home you need to have an assessment to establish the level of care you need. It’s called an ACAT everywhere, except Victoria where it’s called ACAS.
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View transcript of video hereSTEP 3.1
What is involved in the ACAT/ACAS Assessment?
Before you can move into any Commonwealth-subsidised aged care home (nursing home), you need to have a comprehensive...
STEP 3.2
How do you get an ACAT assessment?
There are two ways to get an ACAT/ACAS assessment.
STEP 3.3
What can I expect in the ACAT assessment?
What happens before and during the ACAT assessment.
STEP 3.4
What can I expect after the ACAT Assessment?
It helps to have a clear understanding of what will happen and what won't happen, at your ACAT assessment