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How do I navigate the aged care system?

This journey may seem overwhelming but be reassured that you are not alone. Every year over 60,000 people enter aged care homes permanently.

Our strong advice: Pull together the documents you will need at each stop. It will save you great frustration. Also, check out YourConcierge101 as a starting point. In 17 quick steps you will build your personal profile and receive the essential facts and tailored tools to make the best decisions and avoid the expensive and emotional mistakes.

What are aged care homes?

Aged care homes provide both accommodation and 24 hour a day care for people who are unable to get the type of care and other assistance they need at home. Aged care homes are sometimes described as residential aged care facilities or nursing homes too.

Allow up to 3 months or more to find a home

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If you think you need to find an aged care home for you or someone else and you don't know the first thing about what to do or where to start, then you've come to the right place.

9 steps to an Aged Care home


Get Informed

The aged care system has changed. You now have to pay part of your aged care costs. Everyone has to register in the system and reveal how much wealth...

2 weeks


Get Set-Up

You can’t talk to the aged care system or banks or others unless you have ‘capacity’, meaning you can prove you are mentally healthy, or you have ‘...

4 weeks


Get Assessed

You need to organize an ACAT assessment to decide how much care support you need. You book an appointment through the my aged care call centre or web...

8 weeks


Working Out Your Finances

Everybody has to complete the government’s 130 question Assets & Income test. The results tell you how much you have to pay for each aged care...

6 weeks


Search Aged Care Homes

Not every home has all services. Location can be a big factor – close to family or transport. You will need to narrow down the search by elimination.

2 weeks


Aged Care Operators

Checking out the operator of your chosen home is important. They are being handed responsibility for medical and emotional care. Each has a unique...

1 week



There are four separate fees and costs you may have to pay. Depending on your wealth will decide if you can afford your first, second or third choice...

12 weeks



You will be entering a contract that requires a financial commitment by you. It will need to be negotiated. You may need to prove that you can pay...

2 weeks



You may have to raise money to pay daily fees plus a possible large lump sum, usually requiring the sale of the family home. Respect and emotions are...

12 weeks

Looking for aged care?

Did you know it could be 13 weeks or more to secure an aged care home?

agedcare101 makes aged care easy with 9 steps to an aged care home. You’re likely feeling the pressure to do something now but it’s equally important to invest the time to complete each of the steps and get the best result.

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A special thanks to our contributors

Jill Donaldson


Jill has been practicing as a clinical physiotherapist for 30 years. For the last 13 years she has worked solely in the Aged Care sector in more than 50 metropolitan and regional facilities. Jill has also toured care facilities in the US and Africa and is a passionate advocate for both the residents in aged care and the staff who care for them. She researches and writes for DCM Media.

Chris Baynes

DCM Media, agedcare101

Chris has been a journalist and publisher in the retirement village and aged care sectors for 11 years. He has visited over 250 retirement villages and 50 aged care facilities both within Australia and internationally. Chris is a regular speaker at industry conferences plus is a frequent radio commentator.

Annie Donaldson

Nurse and Carer

Annie has a long career in both nursing and the media. She has planned and co-ordinated the medical support from both international TV productions and major stadium events. In recent years she has been a primary family carer plus involved in structured carer support.