Anglicare SQ Metro South Home Care
For over 140 years, Anglicare has been proud to provide you with the support you need for the life you want.
An example of this support is the comprehensive range of government subsidised in-home services that make staying at home a little less daunting.
These services, offered under the Help at Home banner are designed to help clients live in their own home, on their own terms.
Some of the services offered by Anglicare's respectful and professional team include:
Help with housework, garden maintenance and minor maintenance and modifications to meet individual needs for those who want to stay in their own home, but need a little support.
Social support with activities, outings and assistance with transport for those who want to stay connected, but need help making it happen.
Tailored health and wellbeing activities and services and assistance staying physically active for those who want to be in control of their own wellbeing, but need help to stay healthy.Anglicare Southern Queensland is a proud member of the Anglicare Australia network. We provide care and support services in partnership with government and other support organisations in response to identified needs throughout southeast Queensland.
Our staff connects with people on every step of their life path, responding with compassion, creativity, commitment and courage to the needs of the aged and those most at risk.'
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