Fresh Hope Communities - Green Hills Retirement Community
The beautiful native bushland of East Maitland provides a wonderful environment for the residents of Green Hills Retirement Community to enjoy living life to the fullest.
Green Hills Retirement Community consists of 60 contemporary one and two-bedroom villas offering plenty of room, bright outlooks and low maintenance, making them a great lifestyle choice.
Featuring modern kitchens and bathrooms, separate lounge/dining areas, cosy courtyards and a security system, Green Hills Retirement Community provides affordable, relaxed retirement living.
Fresh Hope Communities operates a residential care service at the same location.
Weekly social activities within the village or the wider community are organised in consultation with residents, for everyone to enjoy the companionship and variety.
To fulfil your spiritual needs, a chaplain visits regularly and is available to residents, their friends or family for pastoral support.
The grounds and buildings at Green Hills Retirement Community are kept in excellent condition by Property Services staff, who ensure that residents enjoy the comforts of home living, without the concerns of providing ongoing maintenance or finding reliable handymen.
Green Hills Retirement Community is relaxed living in affordable retirement villas that are low maintenance.
You may have to pay a departure fee when you leave this village.
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