Aged care homes (nursing homes) are run by a wide variety of organisations and companies that are referred to as aged care service providers. Aged care providers include, for example:
- Faith based/religious organisations
- Community organisations
- Charities
- Publicly listed companies
- Health insurers
- State governments (in regional and remote areas where aged care homes are often integrated with the local hospital and other health-related services)
Any type of organisation can receive Commonwealth Government funding to operate aged care homes and provide other aged care services, as long as they meet the funding and accreditation criteria and act within other Australian laws.
Aged care providers have their own peak bodies that help to develop aged care policies, represent their interests to government and also provide leadership, training and other professional services to aged care workers. 1.6 Aged care provider peak bodies

Approximately 60% of people entering aged care homes receive the full aged care pension and only have to pay 85% of their pension towards their aged care cost. All others will need to pay top up fees and should get advice on the commitment that may be required
Jill Donaldson
agedcare101 Physiotherapist