The difference between CHSP and Home Care Package level 1
These two are similar but there are differences.
The Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) is designed for frail, older people and is meant to be used as a short-term solution. An example might be someone who is recovering from hip replacement surgery. So the help and support would be relatively small and would have an end point.
The Home Care Package Level 1 is designed for the long-term and is for people who need a coordinated plan of services. You have a Care Management Plan created to suit your goals and needs and this is constantly monitored. With a Home Care Package you have to pay some of the cost with a ‘basic fee’ plus (possibly) an income-tested fee.
The aim of a Level 1 package is to have a level of service for those whose need is not high but who would benefit from some case management and coordination of supports.
So in summary you can see these two are similar but there are differences.